10 LEGO Video Games That Need To Happen

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Like Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a franchise seemingly everybody's heard of whether they've engaged with it or not. After starting off in comics in 1984, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello and all their friends and foes spread like wildfire into pop culture, with toy lines, video games, television shows and movies about them still being produced to this day. Unlike Transformers, though, Lego has been manufacturing TMNT products for the last few years. Between the turtles' general popularity and the financial success of last year's live-action film meaning sequels are on the way, the company isn't likely to drop the theme anytime soon. With that in mind, it would come as no surprise for TT Games to take advantage and put out a game merging their sensibilities with the all-too-fitting world of TMNT. With source material including the comics, various shows and the handful of movies that have been released, there's no shortage of inspiration from which the developer can draw upon.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!