10 Lessons The Gaming Industry Must Learn From #GamerGate

9. The Accusation That #GamerGate Was Born Out Of Misogyny Didn't Work

To disprove the claim one only needs to do two things. Define misogyny, and find the source of the term #GamerGate. Misogyny is defined as the hatred of women and the very first usage of #GamerGate was from a tweet by celebrity Adam Baldwin (it should be noted that the first reference to #GamerGate in the previously mentioned IRC chat was in reference to this very tweet). The tweet links to two videos by The Internet Aristocrat (IA) which documents €œThe Quinnspiracy€ €“ obviously named after Zoe€™s twitter handle. Both these videos contain no misogynistic content. So by looking at the order of events (as many people thankfully did), it€™s clear that #GamerGate was not founded on misogyny or harassment, but rather the sharing of information.

A creative and professional writing student with a passion for quality games.