10 Lessons The Gaming Industry Must Learn From #GamerGate
10. Zoe's "Evidence" Wasn't Evidence At All
Zoe recently posted logs from an IRC chat titled #burgersandfries, which allegedly prove that #GamerGate was a huge conspiracy. However, for this to even qualify as evidence a few things must be assumed. First, that #GamerGate was a centralised effort which of course isnt true, as the tens of thousands of tweets on Twitter prove (along with various threads on Reddit and posts on Tumblr). As a lot of critical individuals have brought up: what do a few conversations in a public (i.e: not hacked) IRC prove exactly? The answer? Nothing, and its just a desperate bid to scapegoat 4chan and distract people. Its also a prime example of using the genetic fallacy to try to win people over. Peoples legitimate concerns are not going to be overshadowed by something so trivial. The irony behind this was that a large portion of the anti-GamerGate rhetoric was that GamerGate was just a conspiracy theory. Yet, theyre also convinced that tens of thousands of individuals were manipulated by one IRC chat. The joke writes itself.