10 Lessons The Gaming Industry Must Learn From #GamerGate

7. #Notyourshield - The Gaming Community Is More Diverse Than You Think

#GamerGate sparked the use of many other hashtags. One of the most interesting being #Notyourshield. It€™s genuinely pleasing to see so many people with different backgrounds and genders (including feminists and anti-feminists alike) unite under one goal: to not be used as scapegoats when responding to criticism. The fact that some anti-GGers have responded to these people by calling them €œsock puppets€ is frankly, disgraceful €“ and emphasises just how little voice these people have unless they agree with them. The claim that #GamerGate is just a collection of white, racist, misogynist, €œmanbabies€ (which takes the cake for most childish insult ever conceived) was quickly proven false €“ and yet some desperately cling to the this false narrative despite the diversity of the movement becoming more and more apparent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYqBdCmDR0M The tag is also a statement against journalists who think their voice speaks for them. In this tag, every individual€™s voice is heard €“ and is not utilised to push any agenda.

A creative and professional writing student with a passion for quality games.