10 Lessons The Gaming Industry Must Learn From #GamerGate

6. Blocking Someone On Twitter Doesn't Make Them Disappear

Chris Grant of Polygon created a block list that is targeted at individuals who supported #GamerGate, and proudly tweeted about it on the 3rd of September where he claims the list is €œ1500+ strong€ (in terms of how many people are blocked). Is this the kind of standard all gaming journalists should strive for? If someone disagrees with you or criticises you in any way they€™re not even important enough to acknowledge? If you think this blocklist is only for €œharassers€ (the possibility of legitimately harassing someone over Twitter is quite debatable to say the least) then it would be of interest to note the The Fine Young Capitalists were also on this block list, a charity group determined to get women into gaming, and have not engaged in any harassment. However, on September 7th, everyone was unblocked. Here€™s hoping for some engagement with criticism.

A creative and professional writing student with a passion for quality games.