10 Lessons The Gaming Industry Must Learn From #GamerGate

3. "Aren't There Bigger Fish To Fry?" Is Not An Excuse

And it barely qualifies as a response to #GamerGate €“ yet this line of faulty logic is prominent on the Twitter side of the debate. Anyone who does use this reasoning should look up the fallacy of relative privation which is defined as when an individual brings up a bigger, yet unrelated issue in an attempt try to diffuse the other. Of course, it€™s entirely possible to be concerned about the integrity of gaming journalism, while also being aware of more pressing matters, so this argument didn€™t have much merit to start with €“ but some people still pretend that #GamerGate is the only thing on a pro-GamerGater's mind, this is usually followed by useless ad hominem and self-congratulatory tweets.

A creative and professional writing student with a passion for quality games.