10 Lessons The Gaming Industry Must Learn From #GamerGate

2. Take A Leaf Out Of The Fine Young Capitalists' Book

TFYC€™s level-headed reaction to this whole fiasco has been admirable. Their ability to recognise /v/ (and by extension, 4chan), and supporters of #GamerGate as a group of independently thinking individuals has earned them a lot of respect among gamers. For example, in a recent interview with AGPNation, TFYC explains that once they had recognised that €œ/v/€™s love for games transcended gender barriers€, /v/ asked and were given a referral link to their donation page. Over a few weeks $22,000 was donated by them. See what happens when you treat your demographic with a little respect? TFYC even rewarded /v/ by allowing them to design their own character for the game, now known as Vivian James.

A creative and professional writing student with a passion for quality games.