10 Levels Everybody HATED From Recent Video Games

8. Chaos Island - Sonic Frontiers

the callisto protocol

Sonic Frontiers is certainly one of the most divisive games of the year, some lauding it as an ambitious attempt to do something different with the Sonic franchise, while others dismissed it as a generic open-world bloat-fest.

But the game assuredly grinds to a halt when players reach the third hub world, Chaos Island, which is a clunky pain to navigate and as such far longer than it needs to be. In the middle of the game, it saps Sonic Frontiers of most all momentum it had.

That's without getting into the overabundance of 2D gameplay, and the legendarily awful pinball mini-game, which requires players to reach a high score of 5,000,000 points.

This is an absurdly unreasonable requirement which, due to being a mandatory part of gameplay, left many stuck for literally hours.

All in all most players were simply relieved when they finally made it past Chaos Island and Sonic Frontiers regained some of its groove, because in a game already packed with busy-work this was the zenith of turgid, time-wasting nonsense.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.