10 Long Video Games That Fall Apart At The VERY End
9. Guardians Of The Galaxy
In terms of story and world-building, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy hits on two levels. For one, it's as faithful as can be to a universe set up by both comics and the two blockbuster films (non-licensed faces/actors aside). For the other, it sure as hell is better than Marvel's Avengers, to the point of being an atonement.
What is does fall apart on, however, is just how lacklustre gameplay can be. There are exciting moments, like the occasional on-rails shooter section, or the llama singalong, but outside of that, it's a very run-of-the-mill corridor shooter with some occasionally cool visuals and an awesome 80's soundtrack.
This becomes notably apparent in the game's final hour or so, when the Guardians are after the big-bad (that I won't spoil here). It's already a long game, which isn't a bad thing, but the last section is a lot more repetitive corridor shooting than it needed to be.
It would be understandable if this were a new part of the gameplay, but this is all we've done for the last twenty hours. It could have been abridged, as a "yeah, to conclude..." moment, instead of tacked on weariness to spoil the mood.