10 Lost Cities The Uncharted Film Could Explore

6. Paititi

Nathan Drake Paititi

Here, we move a little further north from the City of the Caesars. Now we find ourselves around the Andes Mountains, somewhere near Peru and Bolivia.

Paititi is one of the most high-profile lost cities on this list, having featured in 2018's Shadow of the Tomb Raider (which may make it less likely that this particular city will feature, but we'll talk about it nonetheless).

The Inca already have a rich history of building lavish structures in and around the Andes, as evidenced by places like Winay Wayna, Coricancha, and the iconic Machu Picchu (a former lost city itself, it has since become a Wonder of the World). All of their sites were connected by an elaborate road system that has held up remarkably well to this day. Paititi is said to be among their finest creations.

According to legend, Paititi was founded by Inca culture hero, Inkarri, who retreated to the jungle to live out the remainder of his life in the golden city full of riches. To this day, explorers still puzzle over -- and dream about -- the fabled city.

There have been multiple expeditions to find Paititi over the years. Could Nathan Drake be next in line?

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.