10 Magical Items In Dungeons And Dragons That Every Party Should Have

1. Bag of Holding

Pendant DND
Wizards Of The Coast

This is it, the ultimate magic item that every party should have. Oh, I know it’s not as cool as a portable fortress, or as helpful as a ring that regenerates health, but your party needs this. Depending on your DM you may be lugging around hundreds of pounds of equipment and treasure, this all needs to be stored somewhere and it can all be done with one bag. You see while this only appears to be a small satchel, it is actually a dimensional hole. It is two feet by four feet and can carry around 500 pounds of equipment, all this while still feeling only as heavy as the empty satchel.

It has a multitude of uses beyond just this. Similar to the portable hole, it can be used to imprison a being, just remember what we mentioned before, there’s no oxygen in there. Another thing mentioned earlier was keeping this item away from the portable hole. You see, if you accidentally (or purposely) put one inside another they are both destroyed and the foolish player has also opened a gateway to the Astral plane. This gateway will suck in any creature within 10 feet and deposit them in a random location on the plane, the gateway will then close abandoning the person.

As you can see this item has many uses, but with all-powerful items, there is a risk. Use it responsibly and keep it away from the trouble maker of the group.

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