10 Magical Items In Dungeons And Dragons That Every Party Should Have

2. Amulet of Planes

Pendant DND
Wizards Of The Coast

The Amulet of Planes is a magical item that you may want to reserve for your players when they are of higher level. After all, the incorrect use of this could cause a complete party kill. The reason for this is the random element that is involved in the use of it.

When a player is wearing this item, they can travel to a location in another plane of existence. The only requirement is that you are familiar with this place. When you do this, you make a DC 15 intelligence check to cast the spell Plane Shift, if you pass all is well, if you fail then I hope you’re lucky.

If a character should fail this intelligence check, then themselves and any other being within 15 feet is transported to a random plane of existence. Where they go is decided by rolling a D100. 1-60 you go to the plane you wanted but in a different location, whereas with 62-100 you go to a different plane entirely. Now you and your party may be lucky and land somewhere not too bad, you may even be able to get back home, then again you may literally go to hell.

This item is a lot of fun and can be used strategically, that random chance will come back to bite you eventually though.

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