10 Mandatory Video Games Every Xbox One Owner Needs

1. Sunset Overdrive

Originally unveiled with the Xbox One at E3 2013, Sunset Overdrive seemed like an intriguing proposition but not one to rush out for. Even in the build-up to release, there was little buzz about the title, despite Microsoft's attempts to push it as a key release. That underdog-like status actually benefited Sunset Overdrive though - when everyone finally got their hands on it, it blew them away. The game blends many elements to create a truly unique experience and it's an incredibly fun one too. Grinding on rails and wires while blasting mutants with crazy weapons is something that few games can match and crucially, all of the parts that make up Sunset Overdrive are done immensely well. The shooting is immensely satisfying, moving around the world is fast, frantic and fluid and there's an extraordinary amount of action on screen at once - it's very pleasing to the eye. In fact, much of Sunset Overdrive is, the aptly-named Sunset City is beautiful, and the bright colours and visuals make the title stand-out from the rest of the industry. Plus, as an added bonus, it's a genuinely funny game with multiple references to other games and a pleasing breaking of the fourth wall. Agree? Disagree? Are there any other Xbox One titles that you think everybody should own? Let us know in the comments below!
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.