10 Marathon Video Game Boss Battles That Almost Broke You

1. Yiazmat - Final Fantasy XII

Nemesis FInal Fantasy
Square Enix

You thought Nemesis' ten million HP bar was insane? That's cute.

Final Fantasy XII has an optional ultimate boss that puts that health bar to shame. Yiazmat comes into battle with a comical 50,112, 254 HP.

No, that is not a typo.

This is a boss that isn't going to be won in just one sitting, and the developers knew this, as it's the only boss on the list with a save point within the actual boss fight.

It's not even the large health pool that makes this fight murder either, Yiazmat also packs an insta-kill spell, caps your damage after its health goes below 50% to a pitiful 6,999 and to top it all off has the ability to heal itself back to full health if not caught in the act.

All of this designed to either prolong an already lengthy battle or set back your progress so much you'd be forgiven for shutting off the game and burning the disc out of frustration. Player's who are the absolute peak of Final Fantasy skill can still take three to four hours trying to down the ultimate mark.

Time is the most precious commodity people have, and this boss ate up serious chunks of gamers' lives who took the challenge. Players who have survived this tedious marathon no doubt relay these memories to their therapists.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.