10 Marathon Video Game Boss Battles That Almost Broke You

2. Boss Rush/Yami - Okami

Nemesis FInal Fantasy

Okami is a stunningly beautiful and creative action-adventure game with one of the most dreaded final tasks you could ask for. The classic boss rush.

Once reaching the end of the game, players are pitted against a gauntlet of all the major demons in the game one after the other. They aren't easy or short by any means, and if you fail at any section - you guessed it - you get plonked back to the beginning.

Players can be looking down the barrel of up to three hours of gameplay completing this gauntlet just to get a crack at Yami, and even she's no slouch in terms of difficulty and health.

She shifts through multiple phases, sapping yet another lengthy period of your life away as you desperately try to scrape through to the games ending. The boss rush plus Yami makes the endgame for Okami an exercise in perseverance even for the most patient of souls.

It's a cheap Capcom ploy to essentially have players speedrun the most difficult encounters of the game you just sat playing for a week in its waning hours. Every Okami fan fears the looming threat of this challenge upon subsequent playthroughs.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.