10 Marathon Video Game Boss Battles That Almost Broke You

7. Abyssion - Tales Of Symphonia

Nemesis FInal Fantasy
Namco Bandai

Not only is Abyssion a horrendously long boss battle, the tasks required to face him also takes an absurdly long time. It requires you to collect all of the demon arms in the game, that are each obtained through a quest or a boss fight.

The the big kicker is that Abyssion takes and uses all these weapons you spent an entire game gathering against you in a pretty difficult challenge. This fight has the potential to crush your entire party in a few minutes if you're ill-prepared.

The boss wouldn't be nearly as irritating if he didn't scale along with the level of your party. This means no matter how much you grind, you only serve to make the fight harder the better your party is.

He also has the bothersome ability to copy your own spells to cast right back at you during your matchup.

You can guarantee banking over an hour once you finally face off against him, and that's not even counting the numerous hours you'll slave away on the journey, just to earn the chance to have a go at the boss himself.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.