10 Marathon Video Game Boss Battles That Almost Broke You

6. Senator Armstrong - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Nemesis FInal Fantasy

The Metal Gear franchise doesn't do normal boss encounters, and so even this spinoff's final boss channels that ridiculous Kojima energy to the maximum degree.

Armstrong is by far the hardest opponent in the game, throwing out lightning-fast attacks that are difficult to counter, while he has no problem countering your offence like it was the paw strike from a newborn Labrador.

He is only fought over three phases, but good god, those three phases last forever, as you channel all the skill you can into passing just a single one of them.

The fight also decides to throw quick-time events into the foray just to rub salt into the wound, and each stage requires the combined knowledge of everything you have learned throughout the game if you hope to stand any chance of beating him.

You are mercifully granted a checkpoint between phases, but even skilled players can be looking at an hour of full-throttle punishment before the nano-machine riddled Senator finally pops his clogs.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.