10 MASSIVE Missed Opportunities In Video Game Stories

8. Prince Of Persia: Forgotten Sands Wasting Its Tie-In Potential

assassins creed desmond

The Prince of Persia: Sands Of Time trilogy is a masterful example of video game storytelling.

So when Ubisoft decided to shoehorn in a fourth game to fill in the space between the Sands Of Time and Warrior Within, fans were rightly concerned as it felt like an effort to capitalize on the Sands Of Time movie, which released 10 days later. The game certainly had well designed platforming and solid voice acting from Yuri Lowenthal, but the story itself had very little to do with the original trilogy.

While certain puzzles and locations are very reminiscent of those featured in the original trilogy, Forgotten Sands wastes its opportunity by only making one quick reference to the Sands Of Time. In Warrior Within, the game that now comes after Forgotten Sands, the Prince is being relentlessly pursued by a creature called the Dahaka.

These were easily the most harrowing moments in the series.

Had this creature shown up even once in Forgotten Sands, not only would it have worked excellently well with the games' fantastic platforming, but it could have been a jarring experience that reminded players of this game’s connection to the rest of the series.

Instead... nothing of the sort.

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