10 MASSIVE Missed Opportunities In Video Game Stories

9. What Happened To Woodes Rogers? - Assassin's Creed: Black Flag

assassins creed desmond

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag is easily one of the best games in the series.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. As the game nears its end, players begin the final hunt for the Templars of the Caribbean, including tracking down and assassinating the Governor of New Providence Island, Woodes Rogers.

Or so we thought! As the game draws to a close, Adewale, one of the main characters of the game, explains that apparently, Woodes Rogers has survived his wounds and is back in England.

Protagonist, Edward Kenway responds by giving his word that he will finish that job upon his return to England, giving players the feeling that maybe the game is not quite yet over, and more trouble lies ahead.

However, this is not the case as barely three minutes later, the credits roll and the game ends... just like that.

While this may have been done in an attempt to keep the game more in line with historical accuracy, the way it’s handled only leaves the player with a feeling that their job is not done, and it's disappointing to not see it through.

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