10 MASSIVE Video Game Leaks For 2020 You Need To Know

2. Resident Evil 8 Continues RE7's FPS Structure


Resident Evil 7 was a revelation for the storied survival-horror franchise in many ways. It steered the series back to its horror roots, abandoning explosions and boulder-punching in exchange for intense, white-knuckle horror. Capcom had gone for something of a soft reboot, sprinkling in tiny bits of RE lore with a seemingly brand-new story. It was fantastic.

Which made the remake of Resident Evil 2 even more fascinating. Would its monumental success affect Resident Evil 8? It seemed to stand to reason that RE8 would piggyback off of the remake, featuring another over-the-shoulder perspective. That was not to be, however, as recent Resident Evil 8 leaks suggest that Capcom is doubling down on what made RE7 so beloved.

The leaks describe a return to the first-person perspective of Resident Evil 7, along with making Ethan Winters the playable protagonist once more. It also mentions that a familiar foe will be making a long-awaited return; zombies. Other new enemy types, including an un-named stalker type and a werewolf, are mentioned in the leak.

Even better, the leak indicates that series mainstay Chris Redfield will also be making a return. It's not that surprising, considering where the"Not a Hero" DLC ended. Whatever Capcom has got up their sleeves for RE8, it's possible that we'll see what to make of all this at the PlayStation 5 reveal event.

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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.