10 Massively Hyped Video Games That Actually Look Pretty Awful

1. BioShock: Infinite

Bioshock InfiniteRelease Date: March 26th 2013 Why people love BioShock I have no idea. The first one left no lasting impression on me like stepping onto hard concrete, and trying to remember what actually happen is like trying to recall a night after drinking your own weight in cough syrup. I do, however, remember the second, but only because I thought it was strange to have the €˜prototype€™ faster, better equipped than its successor. However, I am aware that Infinite has no affiliation with the old titles and thank Christ for that, maybe innovation will strike. So this BioShock takes place in Columbia a city floating in the clouds and has a steam-punk style that is not only ghastly, but went out of fashion early last year. Come on Irrational Games, this is the future daddyo. Plus, everyone€™s head is filled with helium hilariously bobbin€™ up and down as the character tries to deliver a heart wrenching speech about morality. And, with that we are on to the main reason Infinite will be like slamming your head into the underwear drawer of a filthy VD ridden whore; the plot and by extension, the dialogue. Firstly, as a lesson in irony, Ken Levine co-founder of Irrational Games explained in an interview that:
€œ€.dialogue is the least effective way to tell a story."
Then, what can only be described as dropping the ball, Ken went on to boast about Infinite containing a vast amount of dialogue. Hahaha, oh Ken you thoughtless pillock. Pad your new game with something that you yourself admit in an ineffective way to direct a story. And, secondly, the game revolves round rescuing a Pixar style woman called Elizabeth, who has been trapped in€. blah blah blah. The plot seems extraordinarily unimaginative like my writing style. In addition to contradicting himself in one interview, once again Ken makes an outrageous blunder by revealing the conclusion of Infinite is:
"€like nothing you've experienced in a video game before."
Ken, you don€™t hype the ending of a franchise that has produced some seriously terrible conclusions in its time. Now folks are going to expect something outstanding and most likely be disappointed because their expectations were pushed past the outer rings of Jupiter and beyond the white blistering Sun. D'oh! Agree or disagree with this article? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.