10 Massively Hyped Video Games That Actually Look Pretty Awful

2. Pokémon X And Y

epic-pokemon-600x300Release Date: October TBA A part from being the two chromosomes that create heterogametic species, X and Y is Game Freak€™s and Nintendo€™s new Pokémon adventure. And, being born in 1991 I was at the perfect age for the original Pokémon wave to drown me in its anime glory. But Nintendo obviously don€™t understand the meaning of €˜everything good must come to an end€™ because there are almost seven hundred of the buggers rambling about now, each one even worse than the last. Take €˜Chandelure€™, which is just a bloody chandelier; I know there was €˜Rattata€™, but I was given to understand that Pokemon were evolved forms of today€™s animals. So having a chandelier is just ridiculous and, um, pretty tacky nowadays. This Pokémon is no different in the way it has been marketed and Nintendo are almost Pokémon masters at creating excitement and hype about their titles. They€™re the Apple of the gaming world because all their products are the same and there€™s a worrying amount of white in their designs. Moving on from calling a multinational corporation a bunch of Nazis, the main feature of X n Y is the fact the game is now in a fully rendered 3D environment. This means say a fleeting farewell to the bird€™s eye view I played as a child and welcome a pixelated square mess. Yes, the 3DS is impressive graphically, which is why I don€™t understand why X n Y looks so damn terrible. Luigi's Mansion 2 looks pretty decent, so I know good graphics can be achieved on the 3DS.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.