10 Massively Hyped Video Games That Actually Look Pretty Awful

7. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceRelease Date: February 22nd 2013 (EU) Devil May Cry is about an unbelievably unlikeable protagonist called Dante wielding an enormous sword and performing gravity defying€. oh wait, sorry, wrong game: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is about an unbelievably unlikeable protagonist called Raiden, wielding an enormous sword and performing gravity defying tricks. As a desperate effort to try string out the Metal Gear franchise and try make Raiden, one of the worst characters in videogame history, into this super groovy dude, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is soon to be in our hands. Like a few titles on this list, why MGRR was created a part from the obvious fact of making the almighty pound confuses me. The series had (unlike most franchises) a definite end; this is why the cut scenes warranted a pee break midway. Even Raiden€™s story was explained enough for me not to hate him more than usual, but not so little that I found him even more useless. Like every Metal Gear the plot is a mix of government hatred, fantasy and poorly written dialogue. I know I can€™t write a simple paragraph without spelling every other word incorrectly, but people and fans alike can all agree that the Metal Gear series has always been badly written, like a child scribbling on an etch a sketch. The central hype for Revengeance has been because of the news that it will be the first Metal Gear that is for both Playstation and Xbox, released at the same time. As someone who has played all the Metal Gears because when I was growing up, it was a Playstation house; this news doesn€™t bother me in the slightest. However, ask any other individual who has played Metal Gear and they€™ll rant and rave about the franchise being watered down like an overpriced drink in some horrific reeking nightclub. I€™d like to reply to those individuals with: If this franchise was anymore watered down, it would be a healthly alternative to a fizzy drink. Of course, we have the other side of this news where folks who hated Metal Gear because of some reason or another, suddenly over the moon with the news because now; they can pick up a copy on their cherished Xbox. Both parties will be disappointed eventually, the PS crowd already are because of the multiplatform release and because Snake isn€™t in it and, the Xbox players because they are hyping the title as something outstanding because, after all, it€™s a Metal Gear game; it must be decent... right?
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.