10 Massively Hyped Video Games That Actually Look Pretty Awful

6. The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

the walking dead the game 2Release Date: March 22nd 2013 (EU) €˜Overshadowed€™ should be in bold red italics on the box art because we all know that TellTale€™s effort is going to be like a well-directed play next to Twilight. TellTale€™s The Walking Dead was a shock in excellence because judging by TellTale€™s previous efforts, no one thought it was going to be any decent. However, what we saw was a fantastic example in how to build tension, create meaningful relationships and actually feel like a survival horror. Yeah, it had a few problems with rendering and characters lip syncing like a dubbed Japanese movie, but they were only miniscule irritations and over all, it was a fantastic game. So The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct a title which we all know is being created to try and capitalise on the success of the series and the (soon to be known for sure,) far better game; is just a bog standard FPS. And - judging by the comical and frankly ugly looking game play trailer - isn€™t going to be (ironically) about survival, but more about running through an oblivious horde stabbing them in the forehead. I feel it€™s going to be unbelievably difficult for Survival Instinct to replicate that sense of nervous, pant-wetting fear TellTale€™s The Walking Dead had when you hear a horde dashing your way, or building that same connection with each character you meet. And, lastly, because The Walking Dead was episodic, it didn€™t overstay its welcome. Each one had just enough action, fear and - to be honest - a bunch of terrible puzzles to keep you satisfied. With Survival Instinct however, I feel the game is going to drag on embarrassingly like a speech from your parents about the risks of sex.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.