10 Memories Of The Commodore 64
1. Shift And Run/Stop
The key to starting any given game, pressing Shift and Run/Stop together was the opening aspect of every gaming journey a Commodore 64 user would embark on. Upon loading the game cassette in to the the cassette player, you would press the above key combination, the 'Load' command would then be executed and you would be instructed to 'Press play on tape'. This was long before gaming was a simple as turning on the power, loading a disk and being good to go - we actually had an ordeal of manual labour to execute! The kids of today don't know how lucky they are (to be fair, we look back and laugh/complain now, but back then we absolutely loved it)... What are your Commodore 64 memories? Did this article bring back any memories for you? Please, feel free to share your thoughts below.