10 Messed Up Nintendo Switch Games You Won't Believe Exist

5. Serial Cleaner

Bulb Boy
Curve Digital

Whilst it shares some similarities with Roombo, Serial Cleaner's biggest difference is that you're just there to clean up, the killing having already been carried out by other parties.

A crime scene cleaner who carries out various contracts for nefarious criminal types to pay off his gambling debts (and presumably move out of his mother's house), the player is tasked with the disposal of evidence from under the very noses of the boys in blue.

With a heavily utilised seventies aesthetic, from the stylised moustaches to the cry-baby guitar riffs, this is a game which does not take itself too seriously and is not as disturbing or foreboding as others on this list.

The pun-tastic contract names alone - "The Deadly Telegraph" for example - offer humour in place of horror.

What grants Serial Cleaner a spot in this miasma of mature materials, however, is the gameplay itself.

From a top-down, Metal Gear Solid-style viewpoint complete with line of sight cones for the ever-vigilant Police Officers, the player must dispose of gruesome, mangled bodies, clear away all traces of blood and entrails from the scene, then locate and subsequently dispose of evidence which could incriminate his employer.

Far from nightmarish, yet so very, very far from wholesome.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...