10 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Making Of FIFA

8. Victor Valdes Was Unable To Follow Scripting Phrases

It's fairly common knowledge that EA Sports photograph English Premier League players relentlessly from all angles. This is all part of the head-scanning process that wishes to ensure the league is accurately represented. Every Premier League club is visited, although not only for photograph purposes. Nigel Nunn is the man enlisted to travel between English clubs and capture the players for EA's art department. He's not only there to take pictures, the game demands different facial expressions and a degree of realism when players are shown conversing on the pitch. For this very reason, Nunn must ask those being scanned to do wacky things like grimace, puff out their cheeks and say certain phrases. Some players, specifically those of foreign descent, can find this particularly difficult. During the development of FIFA 15, one of those men was then-Manchester United goalkeeper Victor Valdes. Struggling with many of the English words, Valdes was unable to give Nunn what he wanted. Aside from a handful of basic words, he therefore is hardly ever seen mouthing his mouth in the game.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.