10 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About PewDiePie

3. He's Had To Move House Because Fans Found His Old Address

The problem with being so wildly famous is that it attracts an unreal amount of attention from the media, competitors and fans; some Bro's take liberties with that and try to track down Pewds' house or phone number in an attempt to talk to him. There's nothing wrong with meeting your idol, but it's a gross invasion of privacy to try and turn up at his house. Some succeeded, causing him to move house, to which he told fans:

We actually moved, and yes, again. We're still in the UK after all and I don't think you bro's need to know exactly where I live. If I wanted you bro's to know where I lived, I'd tell you my address.

Pewds now lives in the south east of England in Brighton; a city that seen a lot of YouTube personalities move in, including Zoella and Alfie Deyes.

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