10 MIND-BLOWING Upcoming RPGs You Need To Know About

8. Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2

final fantasy 16
Hardsuit Labs

With both an extremely long title and an even longer gap between releases, the original Vampire: The Masquerade is a cult classic.

Now being taken over by developer, Hardsuit Labs, Vampire will see a 16 year interval between games. Bolstering the very definition of immersive sim, Hardsuit offers players many, many choices in how to pursue their goals.

Running up walls, lockpicking, night-vision and gliding through the night atop bats are just a few things to expect. Though, many skills are tied to three specific trees, chiropteran, mentalism and nebulation, focusing on skills pertaining to bats, telekinesis and mist respectively.

As you can imagine, this gives you options, both in and out of combat. Fly up to the roof to sneak through a vent, sneakily choke a guard with mist and steal his keys or move a box blocking a gate with your mind.

All the while you’ll be able to interact with the grizzly residents of Seattle through rich and in-depth dialogue options. Speaking of interactions, the game also offers resonances, which are short to permanent buffs based on who you choose to devour, for example, feasting on a couple may offer the desire resonance.

So, whether it’s smooth-talking, wall-running or bat-gliding, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 offers as much player choice as it does syllables.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.