10 MIND-BLOWING Upcoming RPGs You Need To Know About

7. Final Fantasy XVI

final fantasy 16
Square Enix

A difficult entry to discuss, even more so than Starfield and Elden Ring. That's because Final Fantasy XVI hasn't actually been announced, we just kind of know or more appropriately, assume it's being worked on.

The rumours were that, after XV, devs were known to be working on another project. With the next generation of consoles looming for the past few years, many assumed this project to be XVI. However, that project is clearly the Final Fantasy VII remake.

Though, interviews, combed through, speculated upon and magnified, lead us to believe that the sixteenth instalment will look to do two things.

Firstly, focus more on fantasy. Less mechanical enemies, less shooting, arguably less armoured personnel. Secondly, look into creating a larger, more diverse world. Now, even if these are just rumours, you can't deny they wouldn't be a positive note.

Keeping on brand with the series' fantasy focus, as well as offering more than a drive through the countryside would be a great step.

Whether XVI is one, two or three projects behind the remake of VII, we know it'll blow everything out of the water come the launch of the Series X and PS5.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.