10 Misconceptions You Have About Working In The Games Industry

10. We Don€™t Just Play Games All Day

Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia CommonsHaving just revealed what you do for a living, you can often expect to hear €œOh, so you just play games all day, then?€ in response. Sometimes it€™s said in a derogatory way, and that€™s your cue to get another drink, change the conversation or just walk away before you end up lugging a rolled-up carpet through the woods. Mostly, though, it€™s said in a cheerful if slightly-panicked fashion. The person you€™re talking to really wasn€™t expecting to hear €˜game developer€™; their brain€™s picked that line as a filler response while they stall for time and wonder if it€™d be socially acceptable to just roll under the table and hide. In short, they probably don€™t mean anything by it. As responses go, though, it€™s still pretty dumb. If someone were to introduce themselves as a builder, you€™d be unlikely to nod supportively and say €œSo you just stand in people€™s houses all day, then.€ It€™d be like accusing an author of sitting around all day reading books, or assuming that doctors must be forever in need of surgery. It€™s true that most game developers enjoy playing games, of course. Multiplayer during a lunch hour is a common and very enjoyable way to indulge in your favourite hobby €“ but equally you€™re just as likely to grab a football, board game or something that gets them away from the monitor for a while. Besides, if devs were just playing games all day, where would all the new ones be coming from?
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.