10 Misconceptions You Have About Working In The Games Industry

7. The Tech Support Misconception

Channel 4Channel 4If someone breaks into a wide smile when you reveal your career of choice you need to move quickly; you€™ve got a very short time in which to invent and construct a personal teleporter before the inevitable follow-up question. That person€™s grinning like a shark because they€™ve identified you as that most precious of resources €“ free technical support. Some people genuinely assume that anyone who works with video games in any capacity must be a modern-day Charles Babbage, intimately familiar with the operation of computers in general and their PC (it€™s always a PC) in particular. Others may just be looking for any excuse to avoid a premium-rate phone call. Taxi drivers in particular are extremely fond of grilling you for impromptu tech support; they know that you€™re relying on their good will to ferry you safely to your destination, and that if you don€™t keep them happy they can just drive you into a lake out of spite. Even if you know your way around a computer, these conversations are a painful prospect. It€™s hard enough talking someone through diagnosis and problem-solving even when they€™re actually at the PC, let alone when they€™re half-sozzled at a party and insisting you set their homepage back to the funny cat website. Protestations that you mostly use Macs, or that you dare never venture beyond Photoshop without at least two IT staff in the room, will fall on deaf ears. Your only hope of escape is to keep giving your captor alcohol until they doze off and you can sneak away €“ unless they€™re a taxi driver, of course. That€™s when it€™s best to use chloroform.
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.