10 Miserable Continuations Of Iconic Video Games That Ended In Disaster

1. Dead Space 3

devil may cry 2

Dead Space represented a revitalisation of the survival horror genre, a genuine triumph in atmospheric storytelling. Unfortunately – EA being EA – the series was steered in a different direction with the release of its third instalment, which emphasised a more action orientated gameplay, as well as co-operative multiplayer.

Completely missing the point of the entire series, Dead Space 3 also introduced micro-transactions, neutering the once iconic series for good.

Besides Alien Isolation, Dead Space was perhaps the true attempt at creating a mainstream survival horror game rooted in immersive and tension building, rather than mindless carnage and jump-scares.

By comparison, Dead Space 3 was another generic console shooter, complete with action set-pieces, quick-time-events every couple of minutes, micro-transactions, repetitive combat and a mandatory crafting system. Essentially, it was everything the original refused to become, indulging in conventions better suited to the action/adventure genre.


Which sequels just completely missed the mark? Let us know in the comments!


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.