10 Miserable Continuations Of Iconic Video Games That Ended In Disaster

8. Resident Evil 5

devil may cry 2

Released back in 2009, Resident Evil 5 was the long awaited fifth instalment in the classic series, and the immediate continuation of the perhaps the most celebrated entry, Resident Evil 4. To date, the game has sold over seven million copies worldwide, making it the highest selling game in Capcom history.

In the game, players assume the role of two BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) operatives, Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar, tasked with investigation a possible terrorists threat in Kijuju, Africa.

Quickly outnumbered, the pair are quickly outnumbered and left to fend for themselves amidst an increasingly hostile environment, entirely orchestrated by a familiar nemesis, Albert Wesker.

In fairness, the game was received positively by critics upon its release, but the entire experience was essentially a watered down version of its much superior predecessor. There were several sequences ripped straight from the previous game, including an opening sequence in which our protagonists are forced to defend themselves against an onslaught of advancing enemies in a sequence strikingly reminiscent of the village of the village raid for Resi 4. Worse still, the co-operative play – while innovative – was completely unsuitable for survival horror.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.