10 Miserable Continuations Of Iconic Video Games That Ended In Disaster

6. Dino Crisis 3

devil may cry 2

Masterminded by Shinji Mikami – the creator behind the success of Resident Evil – Dino Crisis utilised real-time three-dimensional environments, making significant contributions to the entire survival horror genre. The game is remarkably atmospheric, praised extensively by critics for its superior graphics and innovative gameplay. Equally, the sequel – Dino Crisis II – was a success, replicating the tone and content of the original.

Now, for some unbeknown reason, the series decided to jump the shark in the early 2000s in the most spectacular way imaginable – perhaps inspired by the likes of Jason X – and relocated the series into outer space. Throughout the game, you fight mutant dinosaurs on a remote space station, because regular dinosaurs in a jungle is apparently insufficient. Besides that, the game included some of the worst fixed camera perspectives in history, and was heavily criticised for its poor design choices, awkward controls and repetitive gameplay.

Dino Crisis was an underappreciated masterpiece, ahead of its time, and might have survived had its reputation not been irrevocably damaged by its third instalment.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.