10 Miserable Continuations Of Iconic Video Games That Ended In Disaster

5. Deus Ex: Invisible War

devil may cry 2

Invisible War – the long-awaited second instalment in the series – is generally regarded positively, praised considerably for its engaging narrative, open-ended gameplay and branching moral pathways.

That said, the game really shouldn’t be remembered so fondly. After all, the game brought comparatively little to the table, failing to the solve the problems inherent in the original, and generally refusing to innovative in any meaningful way.

The enemy A.I. had somehow gotten worse than before, the loading times were obnoxious, the combat controls were infuriatingly awkward, and the game was riddled with technical issues, most of which carried over from its predecessor. Besides that, the game outperformed the original commercially, but has since depreciated in value, so much so that a planned sequel – Deus Ex: Clan Wars – was repurposed as Project: Snowblind to disassociate it from Invisible War.

The originally completely stands the test of time, but its sequel by comparison seems strangely archaic. After all, it’s essentially a carry-over, complete with most of the original’s weaknesses, and only some of its strengths.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.