10 Missable Video Game Items That Are Secretly Crucial

7. Jar Of Green Acid - Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

until dawn

Space Quest IV is another Sierra game that follows the studio’s ancient tradition of softlocking the player with crucial items hiding inside the early stages of the game. What makes this entry especially frustrating is that the item that can cost your entire playthrough is a jar of slime.

Yes, whether you manage to finish the game or not is largely dependent on your character hauling a jarful of slime in their inventory for most of the story.

The reason why this item is easily missable is because it’s a bit hard to find the use for the jar itself. When you enter the sewers where the, um... jarable slime attacks you, there’s no indicator that you are supposed to suck it into the glass container.

It’s much easier to just run away, but doing so will cost you greatly in the long run, as the slime is used to defeat the final boss of the game.

Of course, you can’t really know this when you’re face to face with the slime with nothing but a jar in your inventory, but then again, this sort of trial and error is what used to make these Sierra games so special.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.