10 Mistakes Video Game Franchises Made TWICE

8. Bloating the Gameplay - Batman Arkham City and Arkham Knight

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

At the bottom three because one's mileage may vary on how much of a problem this is, but arguably the biggest problem with the Arkham games was how they just kept adding more onto what was already there.

The original Arkham Asylum is about as close to perfect as a superhero game can get; perfectly embodying everything that makes Batman awesome, while also being one of the most satisfying stealth games ever made. Arkham City would then expand on the formula of Asylum about as far as one reasonably could without breaking the whole thing. While the combat, stealth, and world were made bigger and deeper than before, what made the original great was maintained. However, missions like the Riddler trophies showed the fraying edges of this stretched fabric, a perfectly doable side mission made nightmarishly long.

And all of this got even worse in Arkham Knight. 

While taken by itself Knight is perfectly fine, it is an abject demonstration of Sequel Bloat. Now, everything from combat to stealth, to traversal, is packed to bursting with all sorts of bells and whistles, far past the point of being necessary. 

And missions like the Riddler trophies are, by this point, nothing less than exercises in masochism. 

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?