10 Modern Trends That Make Gaming Too Easy

2. Critics And Ratings

Re6qte 600x300 Believe it or not, reviews can make or break a game. In fact, game developers may get bonuses if a game scores above X on Metacritic. For that very reason, they are going the safe route. The route that might mean more sales, and "okay" to "warm" reception from critics. For example, a critic may note that game X is too difficult and took a lot of their time to finish. So, reader Y will wonder: why should I get that game? Especially the more casual audience that game every now and then, would not be pleased with a time-consuming, challenging game. Not to mention, harder games usually get scored lower, because of their difficulty; make no mistake, I'm speaking of genuinely difficult games, and not broken ones that can't be finished. Remember how many critics were divided on The Wonderful 101? It's not a game for everyone, that's true, and for this reason you have to find the right person for a review. However, that's not always the case, and I can't say more without naming websites and people, which I really don't want as I work in the same industry. Possible example: The Wonderful 101
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Raised under the gentle light of TV screens and PC monitors, I came to be a reverse-vampire; not afraid of that light, but needing it in big doses daily. Gamer by design, game collector, independent game developer, Senior editor at Games Thirst. I love to write about games as much as I love to play them. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help with any game! Chances are, I'll have played it, own it, or finished it. I never let go of my games, good or bad, and they've piled up to be over 600 (rare editions included). On the less interesting department: metalhead, Brand New fan, some basketball here and there, Watchmen/V for Vendetta/Batman hold a special place in my heart. Follow me on Twitter @CrashOkami, or mail me at christos@gamesthirst.com for anything you want, even article ideas!