10 Moments That Literally Stopped Video Games

3. Lara Kills The Camera - Tomb Raider II

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Core Design

This one's really weird, and doesn't merely see the protagonist stopping the game to speak to the audience, but also appearing to literally kill the game itself.

Tomb Raider II's epilogue sees Lara defending her home against a fleet of Marco Bartoli's armed invaders, and after doing so, players are finally "treated" to the real ending.

Lara is running her shower and about to remove her clothes, at which point she turns to the leering camera, says, "Don't you think you've seen enough?", and fires a shotgun at the audience.

While this is ultimately more a wink-wink joke about all the first game's fake nude Lara Croft cheat codes, considering we see the camera fall to the floor when Lara shoots, we're left to assume she literally ended the game by murdering the cameraman (or the player).

In a series that hasn't ever shown much of a penchant for breaking the fourth wall, it's all the more bizarre.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.