10 More Embarrassing Product Placements In Video Games

9. Domino's Pizza - Code Vein

final fantasy xv cup noodle
Bandai Namco

This one might be a bit mean to include, because it never actually saw the light of day, but it’s so awful it deserves a spot on this list.

Hidden within Code Vein's files are some unused voice lines that feature the English voice cast absolutely gushing over Domino’s Pizza, voice lines that preferably should have stayed hidden. There is no sugar coating this one, and it's so difficult to get through that you may have to stop and start the video a few times just so to battle through the cringe. You've been warned.

The fact that someone forced some poor voice actor to say “you can see the soul of an uncompromising artisan in this pizza” when referring to a Domino's pizza should be a criminal offense. That's like calling a Tesco’s carbonara ready meal the height of Italian cuisine.

There isn't much information as to why the promotion wasn't featured in the full release, but some have theorised that it fell through when the game was delayed from 2018 to 2019. All that remains of the promotion's existence is the unused voice lines and a Domino's logo in the game's files (thankfully).


Lewis Parker hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would tell you to follow him on Twitter @LPCantLose, and to make sure you stay hydrated.