10 More Out-Of-Place Scenes In Recent Video Games

9. The Heisenberg Fight - Resident Evil Village

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To be completely fair to Resident Evil Village, the game never really pretends to be anything other than shamelessly silly schlock-horror, as evidenced by the presence of werewolf-like mutants called Lycans from the get-go.

Even so, Village flirts with jumping the shark outright late in the game during the final encounter with Karl Heisenberg, who has used his ability to manipulate magnetic fields to transform himself into a grotesque man-machine hybrid.

As Ethan, players are put inside a makeshift tank to partake in what is effectively a mech battle, as Heisenberg uses the surrounding environment to both shield himself and fire projectiles.

Combine this with some of the outrageous one-liners he spits out mid-fight - especially referring to Chris Redfield as a "boulder-punching a**hole" - and this is about as campy as Resident Evil has ever gotten.

Many were ultimately left disappointed that they never got a "proper" final confrontation with Heisenberg in his humanoid form, but if you were able to get on its nutty wavelength, this fight was at least an amusing WTF moment.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.