10 More Pointless Video Game Mechanics Nobody Used

5. Melee Attacks - Doom Eternal

Vanquish Smoking

In the vast majority of FPS games, the most basic melee option isn't exactly strong, but it'll at least allow you to temporarily stagger or incapacitate an enemy long enough to find your footing.

But not in Doom Eternal.

Here the base melee attack is so hilariously underpowered as to be functionally pointless, administering close-to-zero damage, enough that staggering even the most rudimentary zombie enemy into a Glory Kill state takes around 100 hits. Not exactly ideal in a tight spot, then.

It's an especially odd choice as melee was actually decently effective in Doom 2016, yet received an inexplicable nerf in the sequel.

Perhaps this was an attempt to further highlight the power of the new Blood Punch melee ability, but considering that Doom Eternal is already a highly challenging game, de-powering a combat skill that was previously useful in a desperate moment made no sense whatsoever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.