10 More Pointless Video Game Mechanics Nobody Used

4. Magic Hands - Sonic Adventure 2

Vanquish Smoking

Mechanics don't come a whole lot more pointless than Sonic Adventure 2's Magic Hands ability, which allows Sonic to shrink and trap enemies within a small sphere which can then be thrown at other obstacles.

It's not as cool as it sounds, honestly, the main issue being that using the Magic Hands grinds gameplay to a dreadful halt, and is so much slower than just using Sonic's more conventional attacks to subdue enemies.

In a series that's all about goin' fast, the Magic Hands feel woefully out of place, like a half-formed feature that somehow slipped through the QA process during development.

Combine its sheer impracticality with the fact that unlocking it is also easily missed by players in the first place and you have a mechanic that's as helpful as a chocolate teapot and therefore used by basically nobody.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.