10 MORE Scariest Levels In Non-Horror Video Games

1. The Descendants - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Uncharted Descendants

Uncharted has always worn its influences proudly. Whatever the secrets of Nathan Drake’s bloodline – no spoilers here – somewhere in his metatext memory box is a faded picture of Indiana Jones and Lara Croft cradling a bouncing baby boy with a serious chin.

But as Jones, Croft and Drake himself could testify, it’s all about stealing from the best. The Uncharted series equals its ancestors in swashbuckling joy, all spectacular setpieces, tight, funny dialogue and beautiful design.

Any good 2000s pastiche of Steven Spielberg’s 1970s pastiche of 1930s adventure serials needs scares. King Kong had its T. rex fight and tragically lost spider scene. The Tomb Raider reboot put Lara through unforgettably grisly injury modeling. Indiana Jones melted Nazis, dusted Julian Glover, and – trivia incoming! – inspired Steven Spielberg to propose the American PG-13 rating, after the disheartening but PG-rated Temple of Doom.

Uncharted did not fall short of its parents’ fright factor. Descendants gameplay was standard shoot-the-zombie fare, but the monsters are a chill delight. Pale, mumbling, moving like broken marionettes, Descendants take less from George Romero than Lovecraft and King’s stories of inbred and degenerate horrors of history, more Rats in the Walls than the Walking Dead. Shuddersome.


Matt is a writer, art junkie and Olympic level nerd repping Austin, Texas.