10 MORE Secret Game Over Screens That Were Absolute Genius

4. Super Paper Mario - It’s Over Before It Starts

Paper Mario

Being Nintendo’s mascot must be exhausting, not only are there constant, very large and spiky fires to put out, but you’ve also got to balance that with attending all the social events you’ve set up like racing, tennis, the olympics, you know friend stuff. Therefore it’s not too far flung to think that Mario might not want to go on an adventure every once in a while as he’s just plain knackered.

Such is the case of Super Paper Mario, which gives you the option RIGHT at the start of the game to say “nah thanks I don’t fancy this hero lark” and peace out. The game gives you tonnes of “Are you sure” in a manner that’s similar to a scene out of The IT crowd, but lo and behold you can deny the games main quest and trigger this lovely message.

“Oh I see then all worlds are as good as doomed” before giving you a game over screen. Maybe don’t put all your world saving eggs into this mustachioed bucket next time eh?

Mario gotta watch his soaps.

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