10 More Video Game Easter Eggs Nobody Understands

2. "Who Wants Toast?" - Gears Of War 2

Gears of War 2
Epic Games

As seriously as the Gears of War franchise generally takes itself, even it's not afraid to get silly every now and then, as best evidenced by the totally surreal appearance of an everyday household object in one of the game's later levels.

In Act 4's "The Best-Laid Plans," you'll come to an outside area filled with pillars and a block-like object in the middle. Shoot the block and it'll break away to reveal... a toaster.

Not just any toaster, though, but a Locust toaster, which has two slices of bread sticking out and is even adorned with their emblem for some reason.

And because the visual of a bunch of Locust crowding around this toaster to grill some bread in the morning isn't bizarre enough, Marcus then says that he was "looking for this."

Better yet, you're able to use the toaster to toast the bread, which will soon enough start burning to a crisp before Marcus loudly asks his teammates, "Who wants toast?"

Everyone's gotta eat, human or Locust, but this is just ridiculous.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.