10 More Video Game Mistakes Left In To Troll You

5. The Skyrim Space Program - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

elder scroll skyrim giant

One of the most delightful video game mistakes left in to troll unsuspecting Dragonborn, Dragonbrethren? Anyway, is the Skyrim Space Program.

It’s just good sense not to wander too close to a giant’s home if you’re an adventurer who would like to keep your limbs intact, but with an open world like Skyrim it’s always tempting to test the limits. Should you decide to do just that you’ll discover a specific little mistake that Bethesda decided to leave in to spice up your adventure.

We have to be specific, of course, since Bethesda and bugs are pretty much one and the same.

A glitch in the game’s physics engine led to Skyrim’s giants being a touch more lethal than you may have expected them to be, fearsome as they appear. If you happen to be clipped on the wrong end of one of their clubs you’d quickly find yourself launched into outer space in what fans decided to dub the Skyrim Space Program. Players enjoyed it and Bethesda enjoyed it, so the mistake was left in the game to the delight of all involved.

Except for newcomers who knew nothing of the whole thing and wandered into a giant’s lair fully primed to be trolled.

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