10 More Video Game Secrets You Weren't Supposed To Find

5. Elephant Flipping - Halo 3

halo 3 elephant flipping

You’re either a Halo fan on board with me here or not a Halo fan and completely confused by the phrase “Elephant Flipping” so let’s get everybody on the same page.

The Elephant is the biggest and most stable vehicle in Halo 3, but it is actually possible to flip it over. It’s not easy, though. You’ll have to execute a few specific things like spawning a closed drop pod in the cockpit and chucking a gravity lift right near it or blow it onto its side using fusions coils and plasma batteries.

If you do manage that, though, the game has a funny way of responding.

Players who try to flip the Elephant back over will be met with the message “Hold right bumper to flip… wait, what? How did you do that?” You’ll be happy to hear the message is still alive and well in the Anniversary Edition as well.

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