10 More Video Game Secrets You Weren't Supposed To Find

3. Baldur Flipping The Bird - God Of War

god of war baldur
Sony Santa Monica

Not to be confused with Elephant flipping, this one is a whole other, more obscene version.

My fellow Aussie and mate Lance McDonald is pretty well known for uncovering all sorts of interesting hidden tidbits from Soulsbourne games among others which he posts on his YouTube channel. These secrets can only be picked up by those with the skill and willingness to get hacking.

One fairly entertaining example comes in 2018’s God of War. After Kratos’ encounter with Baldur he’ll snap the antagonists’ neck and throw him off a cliff. By setting the camera to free roam through an exploit Lance was able to catch this fantastic easter egg that shows Baldur isn’t too stoked about Kratos getting the best of him. You’ll see him in all his glory giving you the finger. Twice. Even though Kratos isn’t even looking.

We’ve all been there.

In this post: 
Doom 64
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.